Crete, the largest island in Greece, has a long and rich history dating back to prehistoric times. Inhabited since Neolithic times, Crete was the center of the Minoan civilization, which flourished from 2600 BC to 1400 BC and is considered one of the oldest civilizations in Europe.
The Minoan civilization is famous for its large and luxurious palaces, such as those of Knossos, Phaistos and Malia. The Minoans developed a sophisticated writing system, the linear A script, and had extensive trade contacts with other Mediterranean civilizations.
The palace of Knossos, discovered by Arthur Evans in the early 20th century, is the best-known archaeological monument of this period and reveals the luxury and organization of Minoan society.
After the fall of the Minoan civilization around 1450 BC, Crete came under Mycenaean rule and was later influenced by various conquerors, including the Dorians and Romans. During the Roman period, Crete developed into an important commercial and cultural centre.
In 824 AD, Crete was conquered by the Arabs, who founded the city of Chandax, now Heraklion. Arab rule lasted for about 150 years, until the Byzantine reconquest in 961 AD. During the Byzantine period, Crete became part of the Byzantine state and flourished in the arts and architecture.
In 1204, after the Fourth Crusade, Crete came under the rule of the Venetians, who ruled the island for over four centuries. During this period, Crete emerged as a cultural and commercial centre, with great development in the arts and letters. The Venetian architecture and the castles that have survived to this day are testimony to that era.
The Ottoman conquest of Crete began in 1645 and ended in 1669 with the fall of Chandax. Ottoman rule lasted until 1898, when the island gained autonomy under the protection of the Great Powers.
The union of Crete with Greece became official in 1913, after continuous revolutions and struggles of the Cretans. Today, Crete is an important tourist and cultural centre of Greece, keeping alive its rich cultural heritage from all these historical periods.